Tuesday, March 19, 2024


040-041 - The Rolling Stones - Let It Bleed Sessions (Mayflower - MF-040-041)
042-043 - The Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet Sessions (Mayflower - MF-042-044)
063 - The Rolling Stones - Keep Your Motor Runnin' (Mayflower - MF-063)
064-065 - The Rolling Stones - 1976-06-06 - Pavillon de Paris 1976 (Mayflower - MF-064-065)
097-098 - The Rolling Stones - 1995-03-09 - Voodoo Lounge Japan Tour (Mayflower -MF 097-098)
113-114 - The Rolling Stones - 1975-06-22 - Dancing With Mr EC (Mayflower - MF-113-114)
141-142 - The Rolling Stones - Pendulum Reading (1968-1969) (Mayflower - MF-141-142)
181-182 - The Rolling Stones - 1973-01-18 - All Meat Music 1973 - Mayflower - MF-181-182)
184-185 - The Rolling Stones - 1972-07-20,21 - Philadelphia Special Multiband Remaster (Mayflower - MF-184-185)
186-187 - The Rolling Stones - 1972-06-24 - Fort Worth Express 1972 Multiband Remaster (Mayflower - MF-186-187)
196-197 - The Rolling Stones - Their Satanic Majesties Request Sessions (Mayflower - MF-196-197)

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